Plain and Simple Personalization

This morning I woke up early to make Cupcakes for my friends party. I didn’t have enough ingredients to make anything super special so, I made Vanilla Cupcakes with my favorite Chocolate Pan Frosting

They looked like this when finished…

Simple Vanilla Cupcakes with Chocolate Pan Frosting

All nice and shiny… But I wanted them to look a little more special than that. So I whipped out my chocolate moulds and decided upon a simple flower

So In the end they looked like this =)

Chocolate Flowers

Let’s Take Off Into The New Year!

After Christmas I wanted to create something exciting, and with my new Hello Cupcake book my head was swimming with ideas!

So what did I make?

Birthday Cupcakes with Chocolate and Caramel Frosting and Chocolate Butterflies

Birthday Cake with Chocolate Frosting and Caramel Frosting and Chocolate Butterflies

Only one antennae made it onto the cupcake lol

I had also made antennae’s for the butterflies but they were too fragile for this project, so I just ate them =P

Only one of them made it onto the cupcake, lol