Bridal Shower, Anniversaries and More!

To jump right in, i’ve been really busy lately but I have still been baking a couple things here and there. 

Most recently is a friend’s friend’s bridal shower party. She requested a white and purple theme with vanilla and chocolate cupcakes. So here’s how they turned out!

Bridal Shower Cupcakes


They are actually more purple in real life than it shows on camera, but oh well. I think they turned out beautifully!





The next project I did was for my mom and dad’s 25th anniversary. I made them lemon cupcakes with powdered sugar and orange stars. I call them my lemon dream cupcakes ❤


lemon dream tower!


close up!


And then lastly, I made myself a banana cream pie…just because I was craving some! haha


Banana Cream Pie ❤